Founded by visionaires

Founding solid brands

Us and U

Some see an agency. Some see a creative cluster. We see fellow tribe members.

And constant opportunities for the original. For u. U, as in Unconventional. Unexpected. Unparalleled. That’s our overall approach. We are by your side, being the shoulders on which your brand can stand to reach its true height and potential, becoming in time a towering figure.


Don’t miss the opportunity to take your vision even further.

Contact the Blind.

There are more like Us

We might be skillful, but we are definitely not almighty. We can sense the time when more think-alike minds are needed.And we are not afraid to assemble them. We might be Blind, but we are definitely not Dumb.

And if the best possible outcome takes some few extra pairs of eyes, we do the smart thing.



It’s more than a memorable logo or a fancy symbol. It represents your company’s value, character, and ethos. It’s the pillar that helps you be recognizable, outstanding, established.

We could tell you more, but we save them for our first in-person meeting…


Bright screens don’t necessarily carry bright ideas. Some websites shout their way to your browser, some other prefer to murmur their spell to your digital ear…

So, what does your browser whisper to you when you’re alone?



Sometimes, a BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE banner is all it takes.
Some other times, you do need an actual message, a solid strategy,
and a flawless implementation.

After all, sometimes you only have one chance to make a good impression…


The design tribe

Yes, these weird guys who seek refuge from the ill-designed surroundings at their screens. Give them a chance to give
us a more beautiful world.

If you think you haven't seen enough,
there's always our Work section.

Zin Ideos
Feral Tooth
Kapani project
A 3day project that transforms the main "agora" of Thessaloniki to a venue
Thessaloniki, Greece
Choros by Tiritidis
When it comes to custom furniture, Tiritidis family has both the background and
Thessaloniki, Greece
Redesign of one of the biggest search engines for studies in Greece
Athens, Greece
we are waiting!

How can we help?